Our Services

Babcock Chiropractic Clinic offers a full array of chiropractic services for your health and well being. You can read more on this page about the specific services and techniques we offer.

  • Arthritis

  • Orthotics

  • X-ray

  • Muscle Stimulation

  • Therapeutic Ultrasound

  • Personal Injuries

  • Auto Accidents

  • Headaches

  • Sports Injuries


We offer orthotics! Ask us about getting your feet scanned and watch the video below that explains the importance of orthotics.

Low Back Pain

Chronic back pain afflicts many Americans. The severity of pain can go from mild and intermittent to episodes of debilitating throbbing, unrelenting agony, as well as nausea.

Car Accident Injuries

Accidents happen. We are here to help you feel better. We have state of the art x-ray equipment where we can take x-rays for you. We have helped countless amount of people recover from their car accident injuries.


Arthritis affects everyone in different ways. In some, joints in the spine, fingers, wrists, shoulders, knees -- even toes -- lose their normal shape and large amounts of fluid and debris fill the joint space

Sports Injuries

Though there is no such thing as a "safe" sport, highly competitive sports, such as football, weightlifting, gymnastics, and wrestling, pose particularly higher risks of injuries, especially among children.


Whiplash is an injury to the cervical spine, or neck, and occurs when the muscles and other soft tissues are hyperextended or hyperflexed.


Osteoporosis is a gradual disintegration of bone and it can have a devastating impact on the joints and vertebrae of your spine.